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At the foundation of every good business

Starting from January 2021, a new business line relating to training was born, carried out by the Academy department of IndExSe (group company).Training projects of a general and specific nature are developed and proposed for companies and organizations both at their offices and in our training rooms:

  • Workplace Safety Training
  • Ad hoc design of training courses on the needs of the organization based on its DVR and the specific risk class sector
  • Behavioral safety management training
  • Procurement management training
  • Training on specific company standards
  • Management systems training (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, ISO 55001)

The training plans are studied and planned on the needs of the customers and specific training modules are prepared for the different realities; training projects for trainers aroused particular interest, courses aimed at creating within the Organization itself a group of people capable of training their collaborators in the various issues of Environment, Quality, Health and Safety, according to a training plan and tutoring agreed.

Academy, through the experience gained and the high professional level acquired by the trainers, also provides remote training courses through a specific e-learning platform.

This platform is able to manage training courses and with maximum versatility in terms of planning and management of the same (the e-learning courses are available on all the topics covered and in particular aligned with the availability, criteria and conditions referred to in Annex I of the State-Regions Agreement of 21/12/11 – Act No. 221 for the modules that provide for this method.)

Five main areas



SAFETY (ISO 45001)



Technical area

Engineering area

Course description:

The course provides the theoretical foundations of statistics and mathematics to allow participants to analyze the Reliability, Maintainability and Availability performances, to model them and to better understand their properties in order to make decisions based on quantitative information and results.


  • Field data analysis
  • Performance modeling of complex plants
  • Technical decisions based on quantitative information


  • Stochastic process
  • Normal distribution
  • Reliability theory
  • Weibull distribution
  • Types of errors and distribution curve
  • Estimation of Weibull parameters
  • Mean Time To Failure e Mean Time Between Failure
  • Fleet reliability
  • Mean Time To Repair
  • System analysis
  • Repairable systems


  • Maintenance engineers
  • Reliability enginers
  • Production engineers
  • Quality engineers
  • Maintenance supervisors
  • Service engineers

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 16 hours

Part of the time will be dedicated to theoretical training and the remainder will be associated with the performance of application exercises in the classroom, performed jointly with the teachers, with the aim of immediately using the theoretical notions presented, thus favoring a more in-depth understanding by part of the participants.

  • Course development: online/presence
  • Material: slides in PDF format and paper copies

Tests and certificates:
At the end of the course an electronic certificate will be issued, to be used as a certification of the training credits.


For more information on cost and registration please contact us.

Course description:

The course provides participants with a complete overview of the RCM methodology, with practical examples related to real applications, to learn how to determine the most effective and at the same time efficient mix of maintenance policies for the management of industrial plants.


  • To classify the intervention priorities in an objective way
  • Managing industrial plants systematically and minimizing possible underestimation
  • Evaluate the technical-economic and organizational feasibility of the maintenance interventions
  • Determine the optimal maintenance plan
  • Increase and spread the maintenance culture throughout the company


  • From corrective maintenance to RCM
    Reference standard
  • Goals and rules
  • Application examples
  • Pay-back of the RCM methodology
  • Applicability and compatibility with the Italian context
  • Group exercise


  • Maintenance engineers
  • Reliability engineers
  • Production engineers
  • Quality engineers
  • Maintenance planners
  • Maintenance supervisors
  • Maintenance managers
  • Design engineers
  • Service engineers
  • Commercial service managers

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 24 hours

Part of the time will be dedicated to theoretical training and the remainder will be associated with the performance of application exercises in the classroom, performed jointly with the teachers, with the aim of immediately using the theoretical notions presented, thus favoring a more in-depth understanding by part of the participants.

  • Courses development: online/presence
  • Material: slides in PDF format and paper copies

Tests and certificates:

At the end of the course, a certificate of participation will be delivered, to be used as a certification of the training credits.


For more information on the cost and registration please contact us

Course description:

The course provides participants with a broad and in-depth perspective on the monitoring and predictive techniques that can be adopted in the industrial field, describing both the more traditional and now more common ones and the more recently introduced ones, showing in addition to the theoretical basis also the technological equipment and possible alternatives that can be employed.


  • Get a complete overview of predictive and tracking techniques
  • Choose the most appropriate condition monitoring or predictive technique for each particular context of interest


  • On-condition and predictive maintenance philosophy
  • Degradation of an equipment
  • Non-destructive tests
  • Predictive and condition-based maintenance techniques
  • Tools and devices for plant diagnosis
  • Application examples


  • Maintenance engineers
  • Reliability engineers
  • Quality engineers
  • Maintenance managers
  • Design engineers
  • Service engineers
  • Commercial service managers

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 16 hours 
  • Didactic material: Slides in PDF format and paper copies

Tests and certificates:

At the end of the course, a certificate of participation will be delivered, to be used as a certification of the training credits.


For more information on the cost and registration please contact us.

Organization area

Course description

The course provides an introduction to the main functionalities of maintenance information systems, to the implementation methodologies, to the criteria for choosing the software tool based on the various business needs.


  • Understand the characteristics of the maintenance information system
  • Choose the software tool taking into account your business peculiarities
  • Define the organizational settings to accompany a software implementation project


  • Technical specifications and content processing (EBS, PM, SOP, attachments)
  • Definition of workflows and implementation of user profiles in accordance with company policies, processes and procedures
  • Definition, assignment, execution and finalization of work orders
  • Management of warehouses and technical materials
  • Tools for planning and scheduling maintenance work
  • Technical-economic maintenance management dashboard


  • Maintenance engineers
  • Quality engineers
  • Managers of maintenance information systems
  • Controller
  • Maintenance planners
  • Maintenance supervisors
  • Maintenance managers
  • Commercial service managers

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 16 hours

Part of the time will be dedicated to theoretical training and the remainder will be associated with the performance of tests on the system in the classroom, carried out jointly with the teachers, with the aim of immediately using the theoretical notions presented, thus favoring a more in-depth understanding. by the participants.

  • Course development: online/presence
  • Material: slides in PDF format and paper copies

Test and certificates:

At the end of the course an electronic certificate will be issued, to be used as a certification of the training credits.


For more information on cost and registration please contact us.

Course description:

The course explains what is the purpose of the indicators that can be associated with the management of industrial assets, what are the ways in which a dashboard of indicators can be defined, how they can be adopted and how they can be interpreted to develop targeted actions aimed at improving performance. same. The indicators refer to various types of quantities and may have a meaning in terms of instantaneous value or trend over time.

Practical examples of project experiences carried out by trainers will be shown.


  • Learn the concepts to define, develop and update a system of performance indicators for the management of industrial assets
  • Understand the meaning of the indicators and base their technical-economic and organizational decisions on the basis of the values ​​of the indicators.


  • Introduction to the European standard EN 15341
    Performance measurement: needs and benefits
  • KPI Definitions:
    • economic aspects
    • technical aspects
    • organizational aspects
  • Design and implementation of an indicator management system
  • Feasibility analysis
  • International standards and best practices
  • Application examples: interpretation of KPIs


  • Maintenance engineers
  • Production engineers
  • Quality engineers
  • Maintenance planners
  • Maintenance supervisors
  • Maintenance managers
  • Managers of maintenance information systems

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 8 hours

Part of the time will be dedicated to theoretical training and the remainder will be associated with the performance of exercises in the classroom, performed jointly with the teachers, with the aim of immediately using the theoretical concepts presented, thus favoring a more in-depth understanding by of the participants.

  • Course development: online/presence
  • Material: slides in PDF format and paper copies

Tests and certificates:

At the end of the course, a certificate of participation will be delivered, to be used as a certification of the training credits.


For more information on cost and registration please contact us.

Course description:

The course provides participants with information regarding the tools that can be adopted for the automation of the operational processes of maintenance management and technical materials, showing which are the digital solutions that can facilitate the acquisition and subsequent management of field information. We will explain how to perform automatic identification and traceability (from barcode to RFID), technologies for locating assets in motion and tools that can facilitate remote technical assistance, through the use of augmented reality.


  • Have a complete picture of the latest generation digital solutions that can be used in the management of industrial assets
  • Understand what are the steps to take for the adoption and implementation of digital solutions applicable to this area


  • Analysis of Asset Management processes
    • Management of the Work Order Process on EAM-CMMS-ERP systems
    • Automation of the stock and spare parts warehouse on EAM-CMMS-ERP systems
    • Continuous monitoring of maintenance activities on “BI” systems, Dashboards, specific applications
    • Condition monitoring
    • Security Monitoring
    • Energy efficiency
    • Document management
    • Integration and interconnection between systems
  • Integrated logistic support based on radiofrequency technologies (maintenance and traceability of materials)
  • Augmented reality in the execution of maintenance works
  • Reference regulatory framework: tax breaks and loans


  • Maintenance engineers
    Quality engineers
    Maintenance planners
    Maintenance managers
    Managers of maintenance information systems
    Warehouse managers of technical materials

Methods of devlopment and materials:

  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Material: Slide in PDF format and paper copies

Tests and certificates:

At the end of the course, a certificate of participation will be delivered, to be used as a certification of the training credits.


For more information about cost and registration please  contact us.

Management area

Course description:

The course allows participants to learn how to manage stocks of technical materials that is effective and at the same time efficient, how to organize and manage warehouses, how to make the procurement and management policies of spare parts consistent.


  • Acquire the notions to carry out a complete classification, with relative physical mapping of spare parts
  • Know the techniques for an efficient management of the spare parts warehouse, without running the risk of shortage of stocks
  • Adequately manage the strategic parts in order to preserve their value over time, without running the risk of deteriorating conditions.


  • Coding and classification of materials
  • Warehouse evaluation and reengineering
  • Policies and methodologies for warehouse and inventory management
  • Logistic processes of materials
  • Automation of warehouse management
  • Materials preservation policies


  • Maintenance engineers
  • Maintenance planners
  • Maintenance managers
  • Service engineers
  • Commercial service managers
  • Warehouse managers of technical materials

Methods of devlopment and materials:

  • Duration: 16 hours

Part of the time will be dedicated to theoretical training and the remainder will be associated with the performance of exercises in the classroom, performed jointly with the teachers, with the aim of immediately using the theoretical concepts presented, thus favoring a more in-depth understanding by of the participants.

  • Course development: online/presence
  • Material: slide in PDF format and paper copies

Tests and certificates:

At the end of the course an electronic certificate will be issued, to be used as a certification of the training credits.


For more information about costs and registration please contact us.

Descrizione del corso: 

Il corso fornisce ai partecipanti le spiegazioni necessarie per effettuare la programmazione dei lavori di manutenzione, con esclusione delle grandi fermate. Tale programmazione potrà essere di medio-lungo termine (pianificazione) e di breve termine (schedulazione) e dovrà tenere conto delle caratteristiche tecniche intrinseche di ogni singolo intervento (competenze richieste, vincoli temporali, condizioni generali), della natura dell’intervento da programmare (dall’emergenza alla manutenzione routinaria preventiva) e della disponibilità di risorse necessarie (personale interno, personale esterno, materiali tecnici di supporto, attrezzature interne, attrezzature esterne).


  • Programmare i lavori di manutenzione tenendo conto delle effettive necessità
  • Allocare le risorse umane e strumentali sugli interventi manutentivi nel modo più corretto


  • Introduzione e definizioni
  • Definizione dei target per raggiungere gli obiettivi di affidabilità
  • Processi complementari (kitting, gestione delle scorte, gestione dei fornitori)
  • Analisi di alcuni esempi di pianificazione e programmazione eseguite in maniera inadeguata: problemi, ritardi, inefficienze
  • Definizione dei limiti di batteria e delle interfacce da considerare nella pianificazione e programmazione della manutenzione
  • Come definire una pianificazione e una programmazione efficaci
  • Il processo negoziale fra produzione e manutenzione: pianificazione e manutenzione integrate
  • Processo di pianificazione e programmazione della manutenzione per:
    • Manutenzione di routine
    • Grandi fermate di manutenzione
  • Pianificazione dei lavori di manutenzione preventiva e correttiva
  • Gestione del backlog
  • L’importanza dei feedback: come riceverli e come utilizzarli
  • Software di pianificazione e programmazione della manutenzione: funzioni chiave ed esempi


  • Ingegneri della manutenzione
  • Ingegneri della produzione
  • Ingegneri della qualità
  • Pianificatori della manutenzione
  • Responsabili della manutenzione
  • Responsabili dei sistemi informativi di manutenzione
  • Supervisori di manutenzione
  • Controller

Modalità di svolgimento e materiali:

  • Durata: 16 ore

Oltre la metà del tempo sarà dedicata alla formazione teorica e il rimanente tempo sarà associato allo svolgimento in aula di esercizi, eseguiti in maniera congiunta con i docenti, con l’obiettivo di impiegare da subito le nozioni teoriche presentate, favorendone così una comprensione più approfondita da parte dei partecipanti.

  • Svolgimento dei corsi: online/presenza
  • Materiale: slide in formato PDF e copie cartacee

Prove e attestati:

Al termine del corso sarà consegnato un attestato di partecipazione, da utilizzare come certificazione dei crediti formativi.


Per maggiori informazioni sul costo e iscrizione contattaci.

Course description:

The course is aimed at explaining to the participants those methodologies and rules that make it possible to program complex interventions and which involve the involvement of many resources of different nature, with the aim of minimizing the duration of the plant shutdown and the budget necessary for the execution of the ‘intervention.


  • Plan complex and significant maintenance interventions, which require huge resources and involve the synchronization of multiple business functions
  • Define the optimal execution sequences of the works forming part of the macro-project, taking into account the critical paths, minimizing possible delays and respecting the budget limits set initially.


  • Planning and scheduling of internal and external resources
  • Commitment of the company management towards the planning of major maintenance stops
  • Role of maintenance planners and schedulers: common aspects, differences, duties, responsibilities
  • Maintenance policies: classification and rules for the allocation on the calendar of works
  • Workload prediction and balancing: rules and criteria
  • Budget estimate
  • Project Management techniques useful for planning: PERT, CPM, Gantt
  • Maintenance planning and scheduling metrics: definitions, implementation, monitoring, correction of anomalies found on KPIs
  • Group exercise


  • Maintenance engineers
  • Production engineers
  • Quality engineers
  • Maintenance planners
  • Maintenance managers
  • Managers of maintenance information systems
  • Maintenance supervisors
  • Controller
  • Warehouse managers of technical materials
  • Purchasing office managers

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 16 hoursMore than half of the time will be dedicated to theoretical training and the remaining time will be associated with the performance of exercises in the classroom, performed jointly with the teachers, with the aim of immediately using the theoretical notions presented, thus favoring a more in-depth understanding. by the participants.
  • Material: Slides in PDF format and paper copies

Tests and certitficates:

At the end of the course, a certificate of participation will be delivered, to be used as a certification of the training credits.


For more information about costs and registration please contact us.

Safety – ISO 45001

Workers’ safety

Course description:

The Consolidated Law on safety at work provides for the training of all workers in health and safety as required by Article 37 of Legislative Decree 81/08 and subsequent additions.

The workers’ course has a duration established in four hours, its primary objective is training on the general concepts of prevention and safety. The training course is not to be considered complete until it is integrated with specific training on the risks concerning the job covered and the workplaces where it is carried out (State Regions Agreement of 21/12/2011).


  • Provide adequate general training in health and safety in the workplace
  • Become aware of your rights and duties


  • Concepts of risk, damage, prevention, protection
  • The rights and duties of workers – roles and responsibilities and sanctions
  • Organization of business prevention
  • Risks related to duties and damages
  • Prevention and protection measures and procedures
  • Supervisory, control and assistance bodies


  • All workers from all sectors

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Courses development: online/presence. Although it is a theoretical course, an interactive teaching will be preferred, favoring the involvement of the participants, calibrating and directing towards activities and objectives that best lend themselves to effective learning.
  • Materiale: slides in PDF format and paper copies
  • Minimum attendance: 90%

Tests and certificates:
At the end of the course an exam will be held to evaluate the skills acquired. Upon passing the test, an electronic certificate will be issued.


For more information on the cost and registration please contact us.

Course description:

Art. 37 of Legislative Decree 81/08 establishes the obligation for the Employer to provide for the training of workers, according to the contents and duration provided for in the agreement between the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, the Ministry of health, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano for the training of workers signed at the State Regions Conference on 21 December 2011, and in relation to the company’s risk sector, as specified in Annex II of the same Agreement State-Regions.


  • Deepen the risk situations, the possible damages and accidents and the consequent prevention and protection measures and procedures characteristic of the activities carried out
  • Communication techniques in the workplace
  • Assess the risks present in the workplace


  • Concepts of risk, damage, prevention and protection
  • Organization of business prevention
  • Rights, duties and penalties for the various company subjects
  • Supervisory, control and assistance bodies
  • Risk assessment and safety in procurement
  • Near accidents, relationships and communication techniques in the workplace
  • Safety in the use of video terminals
  • Microclimate in the workplace and equipment safety
  • Main risks in the workplace: electrical, mechanical, noise, falls from heights, manual handling of loads, work-related stress, risk from non-ergonomic working conditions, chemical risk
  • Information on the health risks posed by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and COVID-19 anti-contagion security measures

The training course may need to be integrated according to the specific company characteristics, from the point of view of the risks and procedures applied, on the basis of the risk assessment carried out by the Employer. In particular, as clearly specified by the State Regions Agreement of 21/12/11, this training course does not include training in the use of work equipment and / or PPE We are therefore available to evaluate and calibrate your real training needs.


  • The specific training course is aimed at workers of companies in the low-risk sector belonging to any macro-category of risk or to all those workers who, even if employed in medium or high risk companies, carry out tasks that do not involve their presence, even occasional, in the production departments.

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Cours development: online/presence
  • Material: slides in PDF format and paper copies

Tests and certificates:
At the end of the course an exam will be held to evaluate the skills acquired. Upon passing the test, an electronic certificate will be issued.


For more information on costs and registration please contact us.

Course description

Art. 37 of Legislative Decree 81/08 establishes the obligation for the Employer to provide for the training of workers, according to the contents and duration provided for in the agreement between the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, the Ministry of health, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano for the training of workers signed at the State Regions Conference on 21 December 2011, and in relation to the company’s risk sector, as specified in Annex II of the same Agreement State-Regions.


  • Deepen the risk situations, the possible damages and accidents and the consequent prevention and protection measures and procedures characteristic of the activities carried out
  • Communication techniques in the workplace
  • Assess the risks present in the workplace


  • Accident risks
  • General Mechanical Risks
  • General Electrical Risks
  • Machine safety
  • Equipment
  • PPE and work organization
  • Falls from above
  • Chemical risks, Mists – Oils – Fumes – Vapors – Dusts
  • Labeling
  • Biological, physical, carcinogenic and explosion risks
  • Radiation
  • Noise
  • Vibrations
  • Microclimate and lighting
  • Video terminals
  • Workplaces
  • Work-related stress
  • Manual handling of loads
  • Signage
  • Emergency management, fire, first aid, evacuation procedures
  • Accidents and near misses
  • Security procedures with reference to the specific profile

The training course may need to be integrated according to the specific company characteristics, from the point of view of the risks and procedures applied, on the basis of the risk assessment carried out by the Employer. In particular, as clearly specified by the State Regions Agreement of 21/12/11, this training course does not include training in the use of work equipment and / or PPE We are therefore available to evaluate and calibrate your real training needs.


  • The specific training course is aimed at workers of medium-risk companies in the sector

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Course development: online/presence
  • Materials: slides in PDF format and paper copies

Tests and certificates:
At the end of the course an exam will be held to evaluate the skills acquired. Upon passing the test, an electronic certificate will be issued.


For more information about costs and registration please contact us.

Course description:

Art. 37 of Legislative Decree 81/08 establishes the obligation for the Employer to provide for the training of workers, according to the contents and duration provided for in the agreement between the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, the Ministry of health, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano for the training of workers signed at the State Regions Conference on 21 December 2011, and in relation to the company’s risk sector, as specified in Annex II of the same Agreement State-Regions.


  • Deepen the risk situations, the possible damages and accidents and the consequent prevention and protection measures and procedures characteristic of the activities carried out
  • Communication techniques in the workplace
  • Assess the risks present in the workplace


  • Accident risks
  • General Mechanical Risks
  • General Electrical Risks
  • Machine safety
  • Equipment
  • PPE and work organization
  • Falls from above
  • Chemical risks, Mists – Oils – Fumes – Vapors – Dusts
  • Labeling
  • Biological, physical, carcinogenic and explosion risks
  • Radiation
  • Noise
  • Vibrations
  • Microclimate and lighting
  • Video terminals
  • Workplaces
  • Work-related stress
  • Manual handling of loads
  • Signage
  • Emergency management, fire, first aid, evacuation procedures
  • Accidents and near misses
  • Security procedures with reference to the specific profile

The training course may need to be integrated according to the specific company characteristics, from the point of view of the risks and procedures applied, on the basis of the risk assessment carried out by the Employer. In particular, as clearly specified by the State Regions Agreement of 21/12/11, this training course does not include training in the use of work equipment and / or PPE We are therefore available to evaluate and calibrate your real training needs.


  • The specific training course is aimed at workers in companies in the high-risk sector

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 12 hours
  • Course development: online/presence
  • Material: slides in PDF format and paper copies

Tests and certificates:
At the end of the course an exam will be held to evaluate the skills acquired. Upon passing the test, an electronic certificate will be issued.


For more information on the cost and registration please contact us.

Course description:

Training for the employee who oversees the work and ensures the implementation of the directives received.

In addition to the safety training course provided for workers (“general part” and “specific part”, the latter variable depending on the company’s ATECO sector), whoever takes on the role of supervisor must also attend “special additional training” on safety for officers lasting 8 hours.

The State Regions Agreement of 21/12/2011 provides that the Supervisors attend periodic refresher courses. Specifically, the refresher training course for Supervisors must include at least 6 hours of safety training every 5 years.


Provide the jobs that attend the course with all those contents and indications in compliance with the regulations in force and related prescriptions.


  • Main subjects of the company prevention system: tasks, obligations, responsibilities
  • Relations between the various internal and external subjects of the prevention system
  • Definition and identification of risk factors
  • Accidents and near misses
  • Communication techniques and awareness of workers, in particular new hires, temporary workers, foreigners
  • Risk assessment of the company with particular reference to the context in which the person in charge operates
  • Identification of the technical, organizational and procedural measures of prevention and protection
  • Methods of exercising the function of monitoring the compliance by workers with the provisions of company law on health and safety at work and the use of collective and individual means of protection made available to them.


According to the art. 2 of the Legislative Decree. 81/08 defines the person in charge of safety “is the person who, by reason of the professional skills and within the limits of the hierarchical and functional powers appropriate to the nature of the assignment assigned to him, supervises the work activity and guarantees the implementation of the directives received, checking the correct execution by workers and exercising a functional power of initiative “

Development and materials:

  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Course development: online/ presence. Although it is a theoretical course, an interactive teaching will be preferred, favoring the involvement of the participants, calibrating and directing towards activities and objectives that best lend themselves to effective learning.
  • Material: slides in PDF format and paper copies
  • Minimum attendance: 90%

Tests and certificates:

At the end of the course an exam will be held to evaluate the skills acquired. Upon passing the test, an electronic certificate will be issued.


For more information on costs and registration please contact us

Course description:

Training for the employee who implements the directives of the employer by organizing the work activity and supervising it.

According to art. 2 of the Legislative Decree. 81/08 defines the manager as “the person who, by reason of the professional skills and the hierarchical and functional powers appropriate to the nature of the assignment, implements the directives of the employer by organizing the work and supervising it”.


Provide the jobs that attend the course with all those contents and indications in compliance with the regulations in force and related prescriptions.


In relation to the provisions of art. 37 of Legislative Decree 81/08 and the State Regions Agreements of 21/12/2011 and 07/07/2016, the training of Executives is structured in the following modules:

    • legislative system on worker safety;
    • civil and criminal liability and insurance protection;
    • institutional system of prevention;
      subjects of the company prevention system according to Legislative
    • Decree no. 81/2008: tasks, obligations, responsibilities;
    • delegation of functions;
    • models of organization and management of health and safety at work (article 30, Legislative Decree no. 81/2008);
    • management of technical-administrative documentation;
    • obligations related to procurement or work or administration contracts;
    • organization of fire prevention, first aid and emergency management;
    • methods of organization and exercise of the supervisory function of work activities and in order to fulfill the obligations set out in paragraph 3 bis of art. 18 of Legislative Decree 81/08;
    • criteria and tools for identifying and assessing risks;
    • the technical, organizational and procedural measures of prevention and protection based on risk factors;
    • the consideration of near-miss accidents and the results of the participation activities of workers and supervisors;
    • risk assessment document (specific content and methodologies);
    • personal protective equipment;
    • health surveillance;
    • interpersonal skills and role awareness;
    • strategic importance of information, education and training as tools of knowledge of the business reality;
    • communication techniques;
    • teamwork;
    • conflict management.


Executives of all organizations, for all risk sectors.

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 16 hours
  • Course development: online/ presence. Although it is a theoretical course, an interactive teaching will be preferred, favoring the involvement of the participants, calibrating and directing towards activities and objectives that best lend themselves to effective learning.
  • Material: slides in PDF formato and paper copies
  • Minimum attendance: 90%

Tests and references:

At the end of the course an exam will be held to evaluate the skills acquired. Upon passing the test, an electronic certificate will be issued.


For more information on the costs and registration please contact us

Course description

The RLS has the right to special training in health and safety as specified by art. 37, paragraph 10 of Legislative Decree 81/2008. The modalities, the duration and the specific contents of the formation of the RLS are established in the national collective bargaining (Article 37, paragraph 11 of Legislative Decree 81/2008).


This training must allow the RLS to be able to achieve adequate knowledge about the occupational risks existing in the areas in which it exercises its representation, adequate skills on the main techniques of risk control and prevention, as well as Community and national legal principles, general and special legislation in health and safety at work, main subjects involved and related obligations and regulatory aspects of worker representation and communication techniques.


In relation to the provisions of art. 37 of Legislative Decree 81/08 and the State Regions Agreements of 21/12/2011 and 07/07/2016, the RLS training is structured in the following modules:


  • The legislative system on worker safety
  • Civil and criminal liability
  • The subjects of the company prevention system according to Legislative Decree 81/08: tasks, obligations, responsibilities
  • Health surveillance
  • The role of the RLS


  • The criteria and tools for identifying and assessing risks
  • Consideration of the results of employee participation activities
  • The risk assessment document (specific features and methodologies contained)
  • Obligations connected with procurement, work or administration contracts
  • The single document for the assessment of interference risks


  • Institutional systems of prevention
    Supervisory bodies and inspection procedure
  • Insurance protection
  • The administrative liability of legal persons, companies and associations, even without legal liability pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001
  • Security organization and management models
  • Work equipment
  • Electrical risk and electrical work (CEI 11-27 standard)


  • Information, education and training
  • Communication techniques
  • The risk of work-related stress
  • The system of company relations and communication within the company
  • Consultation and participation of workers ‘safety representatives (RLS): nature, functions and methods of appointment or election of workers’ safety representatives
  • Risks related to gender, age and origin from other countries


  • Manual handling of loads: the risks associated with one of the most common activities in the workplace
  • Methodologies for risk assessment: UNI ISO 11228-1- UNI ISO 11228-2 and UNI ISO 11228-3
  • Videoterminal risk
  • Personal protective equipment


  • Work at height
  • The risk in working in confined spaces
  • Physical agents: general aspects that unite them (noise, mechanical vibrations, electromagnetic fields, artificial optical radiation, microclimate …)
  • The noise risk
  • The risk of vibrations


  • The chemical risk
  • The carcinogenic risk
  • The biological risk
  • Which COVID19 anti-contagion security measures must be implemented in companies?
  • Smart working


  • Fire risk assessment
  • The evaluation of the explosion risk
  • The organization of fire prevention, first aid and emergency management


Workers’ safety representatives (RLS), as defined in Article 2 of Legislative Decree 81/08, Consolidated Safety Act.

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 32 hours
  • Course development: online/ presence. Although it is a theoretical course, an interactive teaching will be preferred, favoring the involvement of the participants, calibrating and directing towards activities and objectives that best lend themselves to effective learning.
  • Material: slides in PDF format and paper copies
  • Minimal attendance: 90%

Tests and certificates:

At the end of the course an exam will be held to evaluate the skills acquired. Upon passing the test, an electronic certificate will be issued.


For more information about costs and registration please contact us

Fire prevention

Course description: 

The Low Risk Fire Fighting Course provides mandatory training for Fire Emergency, Fire Fighting and Emergency Management Officers, in charge of fire prevention and fire fighting, evacuation of workplaces in case of serious and immediate danger and general operations in case of emergency, as per art. 37, c. 9 of Legislative Decree 81/08 and D.M. 10/3/1998.

All workers who perform the duties of the fire emergency team must receive specific training through specific courses. The contents of these fire-fighting training courses must be related to the type of activities and the level of fire risk of the same (low risk, medium risk or high risk).


  • intervention on the basis of fire and safety of the workplace
  • evacuation and emergency call management


  • Fire and prevention
    • principles of combustion
    • combustion products
    • extinguishing substances in relation to the type of fire
    • effects of the fire on humans
    • prohibitions and restrictions on exercise
    • behavioral measures
  • Fire protection and procedures to be adopted in case of fire
    • main fire protection measures
    • evacuation in case of fire
    • call for help
  • Practice
    • having read and clarified the portable fire extinguishers
    • instructions on the use of portable fire extinguishers carried out or using audiovisual aids or through a practical demonstration


  • The course is aimed at the employees of the Fire and Evacuation Team for low-risk companies or those activities in which there are scarcely flammable substances, whose conditions offer little possibility of developing outbreaks and where there is no likelihood of spreading flames.

Methods of development and materials:

  • Durations: 4 hours
  • Course development: online/presence

The teaching aims to deepen the issues related to the management and behaviors to be respected during emergencies and learning the instructions for the use of portable fire extinguishers. To this end, in order to achieve the objectives and to allow effective interaction, the classrooms do not include a high number of participants.

  • Material: slides in PDF format and paper copies
  • Minimum frequency 90%

Tests and certificates:
At the end of the course an exam will be held to evaluate the skills acquired. Upon passing the test, an electronic certificate will be issued.


For more information on costs and registration please contact us.

Course description:

The Medium Risk Fire Fighting Course provides mandatory training for Fire Emergency, Fire Fighting and Emergency Management Officers, in charge of fire prevention and fire fighting, evacuation of workplaces in case of serious and immediate danger and general operations in case of emergency, as per art. 37, c. 9 of Legislative Decree 81/08 and D.M. 10/3/1998.

All workers who perform the duties of the fire emergency team must receive specific training through specific courses. The contents of these fire-fighting training courses must be related to the type of activities and the level of fire risk of the same (low risk, medium risk or high risk).


  • intervention on the basis of fire and safety of the workplace
  • evacuation and emergency call management


  • Fire and prevention
    • principles on combustion and fire
    • extinguishing substances
    • combustion triangle
    • the main causes of a fire
    • risks to people in case of fire
    • main precautions and measures to prevent fires
  • Fire protection and procedures to be adopted in case of fire
    • the main fire protection measures
    • exodus routes
    • procedures to be taken when a fire is discovered or in the event of an alarm
    • procedures for evacuation
    • relations with the fire brigade
    • extinguishing equipment and systems
    • alarm systems
    • safety signs
    • emergency lighting
  • Practice
    • having read and clarified the most common means of extinction
    • having read and clarified the personal protective equipment
    • exercises on the use of portable fire extinguishers and how to use hoses and hydrants


  • The course is aimed at the employees of the Fire and Evacuation Squad for medium-risk companies or those activities in which substances with a low rate of flammability and local or operating conditions that can favor the development of fires, but with limited probability of propagation are present. of the flames.

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Course development: online/presence

The teaching aims to deepen the issues related to the management and behaviors to be respected during emergencies and learning the instructions for the use of portable fire extinguishers. To this end, in order to achieve the objectives and to allow effective interaction, the classrooms do not include a high number of participants.

  • Material: slides in PDF format and paper copies
  • Minimum attendance: 90%

Tests and certificates:
At the end of the course an exam will be held to evaluate the skills acquired. Upon passing the test, an electronic certificate will be issued.


For more information on costs and registration please contact us.

First aid

Course description:

The Ministerial Decree n. 388 of July 15, 2003, bearing provisions on company first aid in accordance with the provisions of art. 45 of Legislative Decree 81/08, introduces a particular company classification as regards the methods of organization of First Aid and identifies the contents of the training courses for First Aid Officers.

This decree also specifies the minimum equipment and personal protective equipment that the employer must make available to First Aid Officers.


  • Create skills by transferring knowledge and skills to implement First Aid procedures in the Company
  • To allow those in charge to implement first aid interventions while waiting for specialized help, and to limit and / or avoid the aggravation of intervention situations.


  • Alert the rescue system
    • Causes and circumstances of the accident
    • Communicate information clearly and accurately to the Emergency Health Care Services
    • Recognize a health emergency scene of the accident and assessment of the psychophysical conditions of the injured worker
    • Basic notions of anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
    • Self-protection techniques for rescue personnel
    • Implement first aid interventions
      support of vital functions
    • Recognition and limits of first aid intervention
    • Know the specific risks of the activity carried out
  • Acquire general knowledge on specific pathologies in the workplace
    • Outline of the anatomy of the skeleton
    • Dislocations, fractures and complications
    • Trauma and cranio-encephalic and vertebral column injuries
    • Trauma and thoraco-abdominal injuries
    • Cold and heat injuries
    • Injury from electric current
    • Chemical injuries
    • Intoxications
    • Lacerated bruised wounds
    • External bleeding
  • Acquire practical intervention skills
    • Main communication techniques with the emergency system of the National Health Service
    • Main first aid techniques in acute brain syndromes
    • Main first aid techniques in acute respiratory syndrome
    • Main cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques
    • Main hemorrhagic tamponade techniques
    • Main techniques of lifting, moving and transporting the injured person
      Main first aid techniques in case of accidental exposure to chemical and biological agents


The low and medium risk first aid course is aimed at First Aid Operators of companies belonging to:

  • Group B: companies or production units with 3 or more workers not included in group A
  • Group C: companies or production units with less than 3 employees not included in group A

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 12 hours
  • Course development: online/presence

There is a theoretical and a practical part, for the implementation of the first internal intervention measures and for the activation of first aid interventions.

  • Material: slide in PDF format and paper copies
  • Minimum attendance: 90%

Tests and certificates:

At the end of the course an exam will be held to evaluate the skills acquired. Upon passing the test, an electronic certificate will be issued.


For more information on cost and registration please contact us.

Course description:

The Ministerial Decree n. 388 of July 15, 2003, bearing provisions on company first aid in accordance with the provisions of art. 45 of Legislative Decree 81/08, introduces a particular company classification as regards the methods of organization of First Aid and identifies the contents of the training courses for First Aid Officers.

This decree also specifies the minimum equipment and personal protective equipment that the employer must make available to First Aid Officers.


  • Create skills by transferring knowledge and skills to implement First Aid procedures in the Company to allow those in charge to implement first aid interventions while waiting for specialized help, and to limit and / or avoid the aggravation of intervention situations.


  • Alert the rescue system
    • Causes and circumstances of the accident
    • Communicate information clearly and accurately to the Emergency Health Care Services
    • Recognize a health emergency
    • Scene of the accident and assessment of the psychophysical conditions of the injured worker
    • Basic notions of anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
    • Self-protection techniques for rescue personnel
    • Implement first aid interventions
      support of vital functions
    • Recognition and limits of first aid intervention
    • Know the specific risks of the activity carried out
  • Acquire general knowledge on specific pathologies in the workplace
    • Outline of the anatomy of the skeleton
    • Dislocations, fractures and complications
    • Trauma and cranio-encephalic and vertebral column injuries
    • Trauma and thoracic-abdominal injuries
    • Acquire general knowledge on specific pathologies in the workplace
    • Cold and heat injuries
    • Injury from electric current
    • Chemical injuries
    • Intoxications
    • Lacerated bruised wounds
    • External bleeding
  • Acquire practical intervention skills
    • Main communication techniques with the emergency system of the National Health Service
    • Main first aid techniques in acute brain syndromes
    • Main first aid techniques in acute respiratory syndrome
    • Main cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques
    • Main hemorrhagic tamponade techniques
    • Main techniques of lifting, moving and transporting the injured person
    • Main first aid techniques in case of accidental exposure to chemical and biological agents 


The course is aimed at First Aid Officers of Group A Companies:

  • Companies or industrial production units (Seveso II – Thermoelectric plants – Nuclear – Mining and mining – Underground – Explosives, powders and ammunition)
  • Companies or industrial production units belonging to or attributable to INAIL tariff groups with an accident rate of permanent disability greater than 4
  • Farms or production units in the agricultural sector with more than 5 workers

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 16 hours
  • Course development: online/presence

There is a theoretical and a practical part, for the implementation of the first internal intervention measures and for the activation of first aid interventions.

  • Material: slide in PDF format and paper copies
  • Minimal attendance: 90%

Testa and certificates:
At the end of the course an exam will be held to evaluate the skills acquired. Upon passing the test, an electronic certificate will be issued.


For more information on cost and registration please contacts us.

Quality- ISO 9001

Course description:

The course offers a particularly detailed explanation of the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard, knowledge of which is an essential requirement for a quality-oriented business management.

Knowledge of the standard is also essential for managers and employees of companies that are also ISO 14001-45001 certified.


The main objective of the course is to provide participants with knowledge of the standard and to raise awareness of every role within the organization so that the quality management system is an effective and efficient management tool for planning, control and management. continuous improvement of all processes.


  • Introduction through a historical overview of quality,
  • Main definitions.
  • References to other ISO standards relevant to understanding the standard: notes on certification schemes, reference standards (ISO 19011, 17021),
  • Context of the organization
  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Support
  • Operating activities
  • Performance evaluation
  • Improvement


Managers and quality officers of ISO 9001 certified companies and ISO 14001-45001 certified companies.

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 16 hours
  • Course development: online/ presence

Although it is a theoretical course, an interactive teaching will be preferred, favoring the involvement of the participants, calibrating and directing towards activities and objectives that best lend themselves to effective learning. During the 2 days there will be exercises concerning the application of the examined requirements.

  • Material: slides in PDF format and hard copies – ISO 9001: 2015 work copy
  • Minimum attendance: 90%

Test and certificates:
The course ends with a short written test that can be used by the Organization as a verification of learning.


For more information on the cost and registration please contact us.

Environment – ISO 14001

Course description:

The course offers a particularly detailed explanation of the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard, knowledge of which is an essential requirement for a business management oriented towards environmental management.


The main objective of the course is to provide participants with knowledge of the standard and to increase the awareness that every role plays within the organization so that the environmental management system is an effective and efficient management tool for planning, control and continuous improvement of all processes.


  • Introduction through a historical overview of environmental management,
  • Main definitions.
  • References to other ISO standards relevant to understanding the standard: notes on certification schemes, reference standards (ISO 19011, 17021),
  • Context of the organization
  • Leadership
  • Planning
  • Support
  • Operating activities
  • Performance evaluation
  • Improvement


Environmental managers and employees of ISO 14001 certified companies and ISO 45001 certified companies.

Development and materials:

  • Duration: 16 hourse
  • Course development: online/ presence

Although it is a theoretical course, an interactive teaching will be preferred, favoring the involvement of the participants, calibrating and directing towards activities and objectives that best lend themselves to effective learning. During the 2 days there will be exercises concerning the application of the examined requirements.

  • Material: slides in PDF format and paper copies – ISO 14001:2015 work copy
  • Minimum attendance: 90%

Tests and certificates:
The course ends with a short written test that can be used by the Organization as a verification of learning.


For more information on cost and  registration please contact us.

Course description:

The course offers a particularly detailed explanation of the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard and the methodologies to be able to draw up the analysis of the organization’s context.


The main objective of the course is to provide participants with knowledge of the standard and an in-depth analysis of the context analysis which is one of the novelties of the recently issued ISO standards.


  • ISO 14001: structure
  • The context and how to deal with its analysis: methodologies
  • The importance of the process approach
  • Environmental aspects: identification and evaluation
  • Practical examples


Heads of environmental management systems, HSE Managers, Environmental Auditors, environmental consultants.

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Course development: online/ presence

Although it is a theoretical course, an interactive teaching will be preferred, favoring the involvement of the participants, calibrating and directing towards activities and objectives that best lend themselves to effective learning. During the day, exercises are scheduled for the application of the examined requirements.

  • Material: slides in  PDF format and paper copies – ISO 14001:2015 work copy
  • Minimun attendance: 90%

Tests and certificates:
The course ends with a short written test that can be used by the Organization as a verification of learning.


For more information on the cost and registration please  contact us.

Asset Management- ISO 55000

Course description:

Introduction to Asset Management (AM) for anyone wishing to learn the fundamental principles and concepts behind Asset Management and the benefits of applying them within a resourceful organization. Participants will gain an understanding of the key principles of effective resource management in the context of the reference ISO standard (ISO 55000). They will also gain a better understanding of the benefits that can be achieved by adopting a systematic approach to asset management.


At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe what AM is and why it is important.
  • Describe the role that AM can play in supporting the organization’s strategy and objectives.
  • Describe the relationships and differences between the policy, strategy and asset management plans.
  • Describe the principles of asset lifecycle management.
  • Describe the role of Risk Management in Asset Management.
  • Provide examples on how to measure performance in AM.
  • Describe the main benefits of a systematic approach to Asset Management.


  • Concepts of Asset Management
    • What is Asset Management?
    • What is an asset?
    • What is the asset life cycle?
  • Asset Management according to ISO 55000 standard
    • The principles of the standard and its structure
    • The advantages of asset management
    • The impact of AM in a company
    • Successful cases of AM
  • Asset Management processes
    • Documentation for AM
    • Case Study – AM documentation
    • AM decision-making process for the correct compromise between return/cost/risk
  • Human Resources for Asset Management
    • The roles needed for asset management
    • Shared information / documentation
    • Get out of organizational silos
    • Formation
    • Perform a simple self assessment


  • Managers who want an overview of the key elements and benefits of effective asset management
  • Anyone else who requires an introduction to the key principles underlying AM

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Course development: online/ presence
  • Material: slides in PDF format and paper copies

Tests and certificates:
The course ends with a short written test that can be used by the Organization as a verification of learning.


For more information on the cost and registration please contact us.

Course description:

There will be examples of asset management strategies and the components of the asset management policy by developing a draft policy for the organization of the participants.

Based on this policy draft, specific asset management objectives will be identified and a strategy will be defined.

Thanks to this policy, strategy and objectives document, the course participants are ready to lead the development of wealth management plans.

The course also aims to increase the technical skills and the culture of maintenance / reliability of all staff employed in the maintenance / management process, favoring the widespread adoption of best practices and performance.


  • ISO 55000
    • Introduction to the concepts, approach and benefits of Asset Management
    • The definition of the context of the organization
    • Leadership Requirements
    • The planning of asset management activities
    • Support requirements
    • Operation and performance evaluation
    • Requirements relating to continuous improvement
    • Policy definition and Asset Management Strategy
    • Risk assessment
    • Effective management plans
    • Implementation of management plans
    • Building an Asset Management Organization
    • Asset Management Information, Knowledge and Data
    • ISO 55000 good practice examples
    • Exercises
  • Strategic Area
    • Product life cycles and maintenance budget management
    • Reliability and human factors
    • Decisions based on structured data
    • Management of outsourcing and performance-based contracts
    • Overall Equipment Effectiveness and resource productivity
    • Asset Performance Management
    • Analytics


This course is designed for all managers involved in the purchase, management, maintenance and disposal of physical assets. It is ideal for uniting teams of managers to establish a common language and vision to connect the wealth management system to organizational goals.

  • Operations Manager
  • Maintenance Manager
  • Reliability Engineers
  • Capital Project Engineers
  • Asset Owners
  • Asset Manager
  • Organizational development
  • Quality manager

Methods of development and materials:

  • Duration: 8 hours
  • Course development: online/ presence
  • Material: slides in PDF format and paper copies

Tests and certificates:
The course ends with a short written test that can be used by the Organization as a verification of learning.


For more information on the cost and registration please contact us.